While most people may look at life insurance proceeds simply as a way to pay off debt or to replace the insured’s income, there are tax-related benefits that can make life insurance policies a viable planning tool in small business.
Certainly, one of the primary advantages of life insurance is that death benefit proceeds go to your beneficiary income tax free. This means the recipient of the funds can make full use of the money for paying off debt, replacing lost income or meeting other important needs during a difficult time.
Looking beyond the help tax-free death benefits can provide for your family when you are no longer here, there are additional advantages to this type of insurance that could be useful while you are still alive.
One of the best perks using high cash value life insurance is that you can borrow against the cash value throughout your life, and it is not hit with income tax. The gain in the cash value is not taxed until it is withdrawn. This means that the funds are essentially able to obtain gains on top of gains, year after year, allowing the money to grow substantially over time.
The concept is not new, it and has been helping out individuals and businesses for a long time. By using it, one can find tax benefits, cash liquidity and long-term grown. However, the plan is not a simple solution and, with any financial concept, proper planning and maintenance must be done in order to achieve long-term financial goals.