Mind Blowing, Right?!
Remember when a billion dollars used to be a lot? Now, we’re talking trillions … a thousand times more! Let’s put this into perspective. How many days it takes for a trillion seconds to pass? Let’s do the math (hint: each 24-hour day is 86,400 seconds).
That means….
A million seconds is about 11 and a half days
A billion seconds is just over 31 years
And, a trillion seconds is over 31 thousand years. Believe it or not, a trillion seconds ago, the Neanderthal stalked the plains of Europe!
We pay attention to milestones. Student debt surpassed $1.5 trillion in 2018, and we’re feeling it! It’s a depressing milestone that’s changing our culture. Good investment or not, we can’t ignore the long-term effects it’s having on our ability to build wealth. Retirement? Keep dreaming! Even Baby Boomers are still paying off their student loans. I can’t be alone in feeling something is very wrong with this picture.